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About apo
The Art Promotion Office (APO) aims to raise the public's interest in art creation and appreciation, and let everyone experience the fun of art. APO focuses on providing visual art activities and services of high quality and diversity. In different dimensions, we often work as strategic partners with various art practitioners and the organisations, groups or parties who are dedicated to promote art. To cope with the needs of the society and the people, we introduce different scopes of visual art forms to the public, so as to connect art with people and the community and to embrace art in our daily life.
On the other hand, through vA! and Oi!, the two art spaces managed by APO, we provide professional facilities for art creation and a platform for artists to display their creativity and exchange ideas, to let art embark and be realised here.
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Expert Advisors
Financial Figures
Assessment Criteria
for Acquisition/
Commissioning of
Art Project Proposals
& Public Artworks
I. Assessment Criteria for Acquisition of Art Project Proposals
Concept and idea
Artistic and cultural merits Community engagement & public appeal
Educational value
Uniqueness of the subject
Technical and financial feasibility
In line with the office's vision and
II. Assessment Criteria for Acquisition/ Commissioning of Public Artworks
Artistic merits and creativity
Artist's experience in public art
Conformity with the environment
Compliance with the site's requirements
Technical and financial feasibility
Public safety
Educational value
Display value
Daily management, maintenance and repair
If you would like to donate public artworks to the Art Promotion Office, please email the information to apo@lcsd.gov.hk.
Invitation for Specialists
Art Promotion Office, Oi! and vA! invite lecture speakers, workshop instructors and assistants to help organising education programmes.
Applicants are required to have relevant art training and education experience. Interested parties, please send us a full CV, programme brief, images of artworks and correspondence by email to apo@lcsd.gov.hk, or by post to Art Promotion Office, 12 Oil Street, North Point, Hong Kong. Please specify ‘Instructor Application.
For enquiries, please contact us by email apo@lcsd.gov.hk.